The film is a biopic of Padma Shri Vijay Sankeshwar. The Kannada film is directed by Rishika Sharma, and stars Nihal R playing the titular role. Vijay Sankeshwar is known for his eventful journey of starting from a humble beginning to becoming the owner of the largest commercial fleet in… the country. The man also owns a leading newspaper and a news channel in Karnataka.
eTurboNews: Seychelles has a population of slightly over 100,000 citizens. Nigeria has a population of…
Domestic and foreign tourism in Hungary is expected to increase by 10-15 percent compared to…
eTurboNews: Six people including Captain Chet Bahadur Gurung and five Mexican nationals were aboard the…
According to the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Tourism's Directorate of Sector Analysis and Promotion,…
While the inflation rises and spreads to almost all consumer goods, 58% of French are…
Naturist travelers should be aware that many beaches in Portugal do not allow nudism. To…