
French President Sarkozy sentenced to three years in prison for corruption

Sarkozy was put on trial over accusations of trying to bribe Gilbert Azibert, a French magistrate, by offering him a…

4 years ago

Chinese New Year travel was 69.3% down in 2021

Whilst the drop in travel was extremely severe, it was not as bad as had been expected just 8 days…

4 years ago

The 50 most Deadliest COVID-19 Countries

The countries with the most COVID-19 infections are not necessary also the deadliest countries. This list compares the number based…

4 years ago

United States Address to the People of Tanzania on COVID-19

Tanzania was urged by the US to review evidence on COVID-19 shots. The Unites States urged Tanzania on Friday to…

4 years ago

Ivory Coast gets Astra Zeneca Oxford vaccine

The delivery of AstraZeneca/ Oxford jabs, following the first historic shipment to Ghana earlier this week, showcases an unprecedented international partnership to…

4 years ago

Akel Beltaji, a Giant in Tourism lost his Battle with COVID-19

Akel Beltaj was the mayor of Amman, the Minister of Tourism of Jordan, a big supporter for the Climate Change…

4 years ago

FAA to receive Johnson & Johnson vaccine

The Federal Aviation Administration in the United States puts it trust into the new Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Following…

4 years ago

UAE helps countries with COVID testing

UAE has been seen as one of the most advanced countries in healthcare and safety when it comes to COVID-19…

4 years ago

Germany – Inbound Tourism Hit Hard Last Year

As expected, inbound tourism in Germany in 2020 experienced heavy losses compared to 2019, but the desire to travel…

4 years ago

Helping or hindering travel industry recovery?

Designed to transform the way air products are retailed to corporations and travelers, the New Distribution Capability (NDC) is to…

4 years ago