
French President Sarkozy sentenced to three years in prison for corruption

Sarkozy was put on trial over accusations of trying to bribe Gilbert Azibert, a French magistrate, by offering him a well-paid job in Monaco in return for information about a criminal investigation into his political party at the time The investigation into Sarkozy can be traced back to the creation of France’s National Financial Prosecutor’s […]


Chinese New Year travel was 69.3% down in 2021

Whilst the drop in travel was extremely severe, it was not as bad as had been expected just 8 days earlier, when bookings for Golden Week travel were 85.3% behind where they were at the equivalent point in 2019 Decline was arrested by last minute flight bookings and outlook is encouraging Domestic travel to China’s […]


The 50 most Deadliest COVID-19 Countries

The countries with the most COVID-19 infections are not necessary also the deadliest countries. This list compares the number based on 1 million population, so it can be easily compared. Based on data compiled by Worldometers the following 10 countries had the most dead based in comparing the number adjusted by population Gibraltar San Marino […]


United States Address to the People of Tanzania on COVID-19

Tanzania was urged by the US to review evidence on COVID-19 shots. The Unites States urged Tanzania on Friday to review evidence on the drugs, saying they work and are one of the tools to fight off the COVID-19 pandemic. The Tanzania Government just made a slight adjustment in denying COVID-19 and allowing its citizens […]


Ivory Coast gets Astra Zeneca Oxford vaccine

The delivery of AstraZeneca/ Oxford jabs, following the first historic shipment to Ghana earlier this week, showcases an unprecedented international partnership to provide at least two billion doses of coronavirus shots by the end of this year.  2. The vaccine doses were shipped by UNICEF from the Indian metropolis of Mumbai, via its regional supply centre, Dubai, to Côte […]


Akel Beltaji, a Giant in Tourism lost his Battle with COVID-19

Akel Beltaj was the mayor of Amman, the Minister of Tourism of Jordan, a big supporter for the Climate Change issue, and a global voice for decency and tourism. CORONAVIRUS took him today, Sunday, February 28, 202. The former Secretary-General of the UNWTO Dr. Taleb Rifai, who was calling in from Jordan today, shared sad […]


FAA to receive Johnson & Johnson vaccine

The Federal Aviation Administration in the United States puts it trust into the new Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Following the Emergency Use Authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 vaccine, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has determined that pilots and others who perform safety-sensitive duties may receive the […]


UAE helps countries with COVID testing

UAE has been seen as one of the most advanced countries in healthcare and safety when it comes to COVID-19 Abu Dhabi Department of Health is supporting international testing efforts by offering laboratory testing for COVID-19 samples from outside the UAE. This first initiative of its kind in the world demonstrates Abu Dhabi’s world-class healthcare […]


Germany – Inbound Tourism Hit Hard Last Year

As expected, inbound tourism in Germany in 2020 experienced heavy losses compared to 2019, but the desire to travel continues to grow and opens up opportunities for recovery in 2021. Moreover, virtual tours are growing in popularity. For inbound tourism in Germany, 2021 will be a year of transition in the face of the […]


Helping or hindering travel industry recovery?

Designed to transform the way air products are retailed to corporations and travelers, the New Distribution Capability (NDC) is to be a new standard that will allow airlines to personalize their offers and sell their ancillary products beyond their own websites. Is it working? Airlines are still in a volatile environment as COVID-19 is hopefully […]