Birthday Wishes Wishes

Birthday Wishes

Happy birthday. You don’t look that old, but then neither do you look that young.

Happy birthday to you. You are smart, funny, and fabulous, just like me!

Don’t get weirded out about growing older. Our age is actually the number of years the earth has been enjoying us.

As one gets older, three things happen. One, your memory goes, and I can’t remember the other two. Happy Birthday.

You are young only once in life, but immaturity is forever. Happy birthday.

I thought I would bring a celebrity along with me to your party, but then I thought of a better option, M.E.

Happy birthday to my evergreen, forever young partner in crime.

Is one year older? Another opportunity to dress up like you are ten years younger. Happy Birthday!

It is my superiority complex that has made me wish you for your birthday so early. Now I can strut about and tell all your other well-wishers that I was the first!

Another you older, another year wiser. Happy birthday.

Let the kids at your party ask you about your age. While they try to count that high, you can steal a bite of their cake! Happy Birthday.

I’m as lucky as can be, because the greatest dad belongs to me. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday, Dad! Thanks for the genes that gave me these rockin’ good looks.

Dad, thanks for being the best friend I judi slot online could ever have. Happy birthday to you!

Great fathers deserve great birthdays, so may you have a great birthday Daddy!

Happy birthday to the man who inspired me to dream big and to work hard in achieving that dream. I love you, Dad!

For every heartbreak that you have kissed away, I brought you a gift to help brighten your day. I love you, Dad! Happy birthday!

Daddy, no matter how tall I have grown up, I will forever look up to you. I love you and may you have a fun-filled birthday celebration today and for many birthdays to come. Happy birthday!

Dad, you are my compass. Thanks for always showing me the right path and for guiding me in the right direction. For that, I love you! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday from your superior sibling!

No matter what life throws at us, I will always have your back. Happy birthday!

You are getting kind of old, but I still like you anyway.