
80%-97% of Africa is in Trouble and so is Tourism

What is terrible news for Africa is good news by the World Health Organization. Africa is getting the vaccine, but 90 Million doses will only take care of 3% of the population. Africa is getting ready for the COVID-19 vaccine AstraZeneca/Oxford AZD1222 vaccine is rolling out in Africa The initial 90 million doses but only […]


Germans and Austrians love each other to death

A mass protest with many participating not wearing mandatory masks took place today on both sides of the German/ Austrian border on both sides. This mass events most likely will have deadly consequences for people on both sides of the two EU German speaking countries. Earlier in January, the German government agreed to extend the […]


Returns to roots in Africa

Returning to one’s ancestral home to live and work is becoming the trend for Africans living abroad. Such is the case for a Mayor of a town in Mississippi, USA. After a successful political life in the United States, the Mayor of Magnolia is going back to live and work in Tanzania. Inspiration comes from […]


Proposed COVID-19 alcohol ban causes uproar among pub-starved Brits

You won’t be getting your pint even if UK pubs reopen in April, media reports suggest UK government is reportedly contemplating a ban on alcohol when pubs reopen after lockdown in April Reports of incoming ‘alcohol ban’ provoke fury and disbelief from British pub goers Some Brits arguing that an open pub without alcohol is […]


Amsterdam-bound flight in distress lands safely at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo Airport

Aeroflot flight from Moscow to Amsterdam issued a distress call about 20 minutes after takeoff Moscow-Amsterdam flight lands safely after sending distress call Russian carrier Aeroflot confirmed the reports on a scheduled landing Problems with radio communication system caused the return of the flight Russia Aeroflot‘s Airbus A320 passenger plane flying from Moscow to Amsterdam […]


Environmental NGO raises objections against new Seychelles Hotel Project

COVID-19 is currently a big challenge for the travel and tourism industry in Seychelles, but a new major hotel project may become a reality on the island of Mahe.  Seychelles environmental NGO Sustainability 4 Seychelles (S4S) concerned about hotel construction at Anse à La Mouche S4S seeks to promote sustainable, green living in Seychelles The Anse à la Mouche development, […]


Merchandising Ideas in the Age of Pandemics

With COVID-19 vaccinations taking place around the world, the return of travel and tourism looms on the horizon. So what should be the approach to physically bringing tourists back after they’ve been doing everything for so long in a virtual world? COVID-19 caused not only the illness and death to human lives, but degeneration to […]


Governments urged to focus on ‘high-risk travelers’ not ‘high-risk countries’

World’s governments urged to abandon the concept of COVID-19 ‘high-risk countries’ and instead focus on how individual ‘high-risk travelers’ are treated at borders Entire populations are not infected and should not all be labelled as ‘high-risk’ Individual traveler risk assessment through comprehensive testing and use of technology will avoid exporting the virus  International consensus needed […]


China committed to full recovery of its civil aviation sector

China’s aviation sector targets 590 million air passenger trips in 2021 China projects air freight volume of 7.53 million tons in 2021 China’s economy has rebounded and domestic air travel was quickly re-established Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) announced that the country will further promote the recovery of national civil aviation industry in 2021 […]


Montserrat launches remote work program

There are people in various parts of the world who now have the ability to work from home and are actively looking for a change of environment Montserrat joins global list of destinations courting home-based professionals Montserrat launches 12-month long distance-work visa Montserrat gives professionals and entrepreneurs opportunity to experience unique work-life-vacation The pristine Caribbean […]