
Ukraine International Airlines is gradually restoring its flight network

Ukraine International Airlines sums up preliminary Q1 2021 results Despite numerous travel restrictions in early 2021, UIA has done a commendable work From January, 1 to March, 31, 2021, about 30 000passenger requests were considered and processed The airline seeks to resume normal operations as soon as conditions permit Ukraine International Airlines (UIA) continues to […]


Air Canada and Transat terminate proposed acquisition agreement

Air Canada and Transat call off $190 million deal Proposed acquisition of Transat by Air Canada canceled Air Canada and Transat had originally agreed in June 2019 on the acquisition Terms were amended in 2019 and revised in 2020 due to severe economic impact of COVID-19 pandemic Air Canada and Transat A.T. Inc. announced today […]


Pan-Caribbean meeting sheds light on East Indian Community in St. Vincent

St. Vincent in the Caribbean has a population of approximately 111,000 persons, consisting mainly of persons of African descent. There are small numbers of mixed persons of Carib and African origin, Europeans and East Indians (called Indians). A Pan-Caribbean meeting was held in St. Vincent on the topic of the East Indian Community. The President […]


CDC issues next phase of the Conditional Sailing Order for cruise ship operators

cruise lines required to establish agreements at ports where they intend to operate, implement routine testing of crew, and develop plans incorporating vaccination strategies to reduce the risk of introduction and spread of COVID-19 Increasing from weekly to daily the reporting frequency of COVID-19 cases and illnesses Implementing routine testing of all crew based on […]


COVID Herd Immunity Achieved here

Forget about social distancing and vaccine. Herd community is a way to eliminate COVID-19. The theory everyone was infected and remains immune after the infection. 93% got infected in this US county, the first in the world and the United States. Lancaster County in the US State Pennsylvania has become the ‘first to achieve herd […]


280,000 jobs gained in March

US Leisure and Hospitality industry’s unemployment rate now stands at 13.0% Leisure and Hospitality jobs account for almost 40% of all the U.S. jobs lost in 2020 Rise in Leisure and Hospitality jobs is a clear sign that an increase in travel Maintaining employment growth will depend upon the broad restart of travel The U.S. […]


2021 Diving World Cup canceled

The 2021 FINA Diving World Cup was to serve as a qualifying tournament for Tokyo Olympics Japan was forced to cancel numerous sports tournaments as a safety measure As of today, Japan is ranked 39th in the world in terms of reported COVID-19 case FINA said that the federation would be immediately looking for other […]


Sultan of Brunei receives his first COVID-19 vaccine shot

After the first dose injection, the sultan has consented for the national COVID-19 vaccination program to launch Brunei’s national COVID-19 vaccination program starts tomorrow Since August 2020, Brunei has made preparations for the implementation of the vaccination program Brunei has granted special authorization for three COVID-19 vaccines to be used in the country Brunei’s Ministry […]


Deadliest Train Accident in Taiwan

Taiwan was the scene of the deadliest rail accident of this Chinese breakaway country At least 36 prople were killed in this tunnel crash The lightly populated east on the breakaway Chinese Province of Taiwan is popular with tourists, many of whom arrive along the coastal railway lines to avoid treacherous mountain roads. A passenger […]