Share this on WhatsApp San Francisco International Airport has moved its onsite rapid COVID-19 testing center in order to provide easier access to other airport facilities. The testing center remains in the International Terminal but has moved to from Level 1 to Level 3 in Courtyard A and is located at the Aisle 6 ticket […]
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For most people, travelling is a break from the hustle and bustle of work, but for some lucky individuals, it is something that they get paid to do. They get to visit and explore different places, and relay their experiences to interested readers through various types of publications. As such, […]
Share this on WhatsApp In a step being welcomed by all the stakeholders, Sri Lanka has become the latest country with which India has signed an air bubble agreement. Sri Lanka is the 28th country with which India has signed a travel bubble pact to facilitate air service between the two nations. India and Sri […]