
French Travel – Camping Remains Highly Popular

Among all the good resolutions for the new year, 49% of the French would like to go more often on vacation in 2023, 38% aim to enjoy the same number of holidays and only 7% plan to go less than in 2022. 6% have decided not to go at all or will be unable to take vacations. These are the results of a survey by organized among 2,546 French people.

Not surprisingly, 67% of French people still prefer summer vacations. Second most popular French travel period is the All-Saints’ Day when 35% people from France plan to go on vacation in 2023. 29% of them will travel during Christmas. Spring vacations appeal to only 28% of French people and winter holidays only to 12%. Finally, 33% of the French do not plan to go on vacation in 2023 – 21% will take time off but stay at home and 12% will continue to work. Note that 34% of the lucky ones planning to go away every vacation season in 2023.

In the summer, 71% of French travelers would like to spend some time with their family or friends. 38% of them also plan to go camping. 25% prefer to spend their vacations in a hotel.

Most popular activities for summer vacations 2023:

  • Time with relatives, and friends – 71%
  • Camping, mobile home – 38%
  • Rent a hotel room – 25%
  • Rent a house, villa, residence – 21%
  • Go to a club – 17%
  • Rent a cottage – 9%
  • Travel in a camping car – 1%

Destination: France!

Contrary to the post-confinement time, going abroad is not the number 1 option of the French for 2023. In fact, it is France that wins the most preferences among 59% of the French, far ahead of European countries with 38% and the rest of the world with 27%.
Preferred vacation destination:

  • France 59%
  • Europe 38%
  • Rest of the world 27%
  • I do not plan to go anywhere 33%

Budget for Accommodation?

28% of respondents plan to spend between €1,000 and €1,500 per week on accommodation while on holiday. 23% plan to spend between €600 and €1 000 and 21% of lucky people hope to spend between €1 500 and €2 000 per week.

The “Workation” Trend

Since the confinement during the pandemic, remote working is also a practice that has become widespread even during vacations. The data on French travel reveal that 78% of the French people would go on “workation” in 2023. In detail, 42% would be ready to do so if their job allowed them to and 36% have actually planned to do so.

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