
Deputy PM Leads Bahamas Delegation at Caribbean Week in NYC

The Caribbean Tourism Organization’s (CTO) Caribbean Week returned to in-person after the pandemic hiatus.

To promote tourism and celebrate Caribbean culture, The Honorable I. Chester Cooper, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, led a delegation of top tourism officials at the Caribbean Tourism Organization’s (CTO) Caribbean Week summit in New York City from June 5-8, 2023. Among the delegation was Latia Duncombe, Director General of the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism, Investments & Aviation (BMOTIA).   

Hosted at the Martinique New York hotel, a total of 300 tourism officials, industry professionals, media and consumers attended CTO’s first in-person programming since the pandemic began. Guided by the theme of “Tourism Industry Resurgence in a Whole New World,” leaders shared updates regarding the state of tourism in the Caribbean and celebrated its vibrant culture.

The return of CTO’s Caribbean Week in New York City allowed for the opportunity for productive dialogue on critical issues influencing the growth of Caribbean tourism.

Throughout the week, BMOTIA participated in a variety of meetings and events to explore destination growth trends in addition to discussing updates across the destination with key lifestyle and travel media at the Media Marketplace.  What’s more, Director General Latia Duncombe conducted 1:1 media meetings with Refinery29, The CEO Magazine and TravelAge West outside of CTO’s scheduled programming to speak to new developments while highlighting cultural events in advance of The Bahamas’ 50th anniversary of independence on July 10, 2023.

Between January and April 2023, The Bahamas welcomed 3.48 million visitors. Arrival numbers are on track to surpass a record-breaking 8 million visitors by the end of the year. 

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With over 700 islands and cays and 16 unique island destinations, The Bahamas lies just 50 miles off the coast of Florida, offering an easy flyaway escape that transports travellers away from their everyday. The Islands of The Bahamas have world-class fishing, diving, boating, and thousands of miles of the Earth’s most spectacular water and beaches waiting for families, couples, and adventurers. Explore all the islands have to offer at, download the Islands of the Bahamas app or visit Facebook, YouTube or Instagram to see why It’s Better in The Bahamas.  

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